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Originally delivered on 11/12/2024 6:17 pm

SUBJECT: FOMAHI News: November 2025 Edition


November 2024

Fall Concert Season!

Concert season is upon us! Please mark your calendars for the upcoming concerts:

  • Tuesday, December 3, Fall Choir Concert
  • Monday, December 9,  Fall Orchestra Concert
  • Thursday, December 12, Fall Jazz Night
  • Monday, December 16 – Fall Band Concert

Be on the lookout for ways to volunteer – we always need help with set-up, take-down, bake-sale donations, running the bake sale table, and sound board assistance! 

Need Concert Attire?

Our fabulous music directors, Ms. Pence and Mr. Ogle, request that students wear all black to the concerts. If your student needs black concert attire, please have them visit the Clothes Rack in Ms. Pence’s room. These items are free for the students to borrow or keep. If you have extra black clothing or shoes that you would like to donate, please send it to school with your child. 

(Note that Vocal Jazz & Jr. Jazz Band students will wear the black vocal jazz t-shirts ordered this fall.)

Update on FOMAHI Board

We are grateful to all who volunteered to fill in the open positions on the FOMAHI board! The success of this music program depends on the involvement of the parents and guardians who generously volunteer their time however they can. Please welcome the following volunteers to the FOMAHI board!

  • Band Co-President:Bridget Schuster
  • Orchestra Co-President:Jose Quevedo
  • Fundraising Co-Chair:Mary Schoen
  • Volunteer Coordination Chair:Connie Starr
  • Website Coordinator Chair:Derek Denny-Brown

Thank you and welcome aboard!!

Music-A-Thon Save the Date!

Please mark your calendars- FOMAHI’s biggest fundraiser of the year will be on February 11, 2025. This is an all-day celebration of music!  Stay tuned!

Supporting FOMAHI

If you haven't yet done so, please update your profile at FOMAHI website. This helps us keeping you informed of the musical news and events at HIMS! 

While on the website, please consider making a tax deductible donation to support FOMAHI. Donations to non-profit FOMAHI supports the award winning music programs at HIMS, funding the needs of our music students to ensure every student can fully participate and pursue their musical interests. 

This year, we ask parents for a voluntary $40 donation to keep us running until our major fundraising event, Music-a-Thon. 

Make sure to check with your employer, many employers would match the donation and/or compensate the volunteer time. 

We appreciate your support of your music program at HIMS!

Come Meet Us!

All are welcome to join the November Board Meeting, happening virtually on November 19th from 7:00-8:30 pm. Come introduce yourself, hear updates from our music directors, and listen in on the decisions and discussions surrounding FOMAHI Board business. 

Email for the Zoom link or check our calendar on the website. 



  • Band: Bridget Schuster
  • Choir: Jema Turk; Simon Weiss
  • Orchestra: Jose Quevedo

Board Members:

  • Treasurer: Jen Jerome
  • Secretary: Amy Weston
  • Concert Operations: Connie Starr

Committee Chairs:

  • Communications: Tara Mardan
  • Fundraising: Susan Bell; Mary Schoen

FOMAHI Operations:

  • Website/Reg Toolkit Coordinator: Derek Denny-Brown
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 19
7:00p FOMAHI Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 3
6:30p Fall Choir Concert (All Choirs)
Monday, December 9
7:00p Fall Orchestra Concert (All Orchestras)
Thursday, December 12
7:00p Fall Jazz Night
Monday, December 16
7:00p Fall Band Concert
Tuesday, January 28
7:00p FOMAHI Board Meeting

*You are receiving this email because you are currently registered with the Friends of Music at Hamilton International Middle School (FOMAHI).

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