Thank You for Supporting FOMAHI!



 FOMAHI members:



FAMILY & FRIENDS (without a FOMAHI account):





Are donations tax deductible?

Yes! FOMAHI is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Since no goods or services will be exchanged, the full amount of the donation is tax-deductible. Tax acknowledgment letters will be provided for all cash, check donations and online donations totaling $100 or more. To receive a tax acknowledgment letter, donors must provide a complete mailing address and/or email address when making a donation.


Does your employer match charitable donations? 

Contact us at if you need FOMAHI's tax ID number to submit to your employer for corporate matching. Our 501(c)(3) charitable organization name is "Friends of Music at Hamilton International (FOMAHI)".





Questions? Please email us at


FOMAHI – Friends of Music at Hamilton International

PO Box 31472

Seattle, WA 98103



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