Hamilton Music Families


Thank you for enrolling your student in music at Hamilton International Middle School! You will find many of the resources you need on the site. If you need assistance and cannot find the answers on our website, please email fomahihelp@gmail.com


Other resources available include:

  • Calendar. We strive to provide as many key dates (including performances and trips) as possible at the beginning of the year. However, event dates can and do change. The calendar will have the latest information.
  • Membership Directory. You will find contact information for other music students and their families here. Please note that families have the ability to opt out of inclusion.
  • Volunteering info. Like many school organizations, FOMAHI relies on volunteer power! We especially need help during performance season. This is also a great way to get involved in your student's life. Come join us! 

Register for FOMAHI & Update Your Account Each School Year

Important!  HIMS music student families: register for FOMAHI and update your account/student profile each school year. New and returning HIMS students taking a music class or enrolled in an after-school music club must create a FOMAHI account. This ensures music families will receive important music program information and updates specific to their student's music program. FOMAHI is unable to send communications to families who are not registered. 


Your FOMAHI account allows you to:

  • Join FOMAHI
  • Fill out your music program paperwork online and sign up for email updates
  • Complete your FOMAHI family directory information
  • Sign-up for the Volunteer list
  • Make payments and donations to FOMAHI
  • Purchase performance clothing and other items (when offered)
  • Access the online directory and app (FOMAHI members only) 


Volunteer with FOMAHI

We need you! Please consider volunteering to support your student's music education and Hamilton's music program. Check out our volunteer page to learn more about how you can get involved or email us at fomahihelp@gmail.com.



Support Hamilton's Music Programs


Access Your Account
& Online Payments: